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Serve and Support Scouting


Serve and Support Scouting: Training

Recruit (Part 1):

One of the biggest challenges councils face is recruiting members (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Adult Leaders). This session will give you ideas for how the lodge can help the council achieve its membership goals. Highly recommended with “Recruit (Part 2).”

Recruit (Part 2):

One of the biggest challenges councils face is recruiting members (Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, and Adult Leaders). This session will give you ideas for how the lodge can help the council achieve its membership goals.  Highly recommended with "Recruit (Part 1)."

Retain (Part 1):

To retain Scouts, councils must provide a quality Scouting program.  This session discusses how the Order can help retain members in all areas of Scouting.  Highly recommended with "Retain (Part 2)."

Retain (Part 2):

To retain Scouts, councils must provide a quality Scouting program.  This session discusses how the Order can help retain members in all areas of Scouting.  Highly recommended with "Retain (Part 1)."


Money is always an issue in Scouting.  Explore ways the lodge can raise money for programs such as summer camp, community service, and council fundraisers/endowments to keep Scouting financially strong.

Annual Planning Meeting How-To:

The national OA committee just unveiled the new Annual Report template. Learn how that template, along with an annual planning meeting, can help improve the relationship with your Scout Executive and carry you to Quality Lodge.

Quality Lodge 2008:

A monumental change has occurred in the Quality Lodge petition—it is now customizable.  Learn all about the new challenges and freedom offered to your lodge in 2008.

Troop Team Representative:

The Troop/Team Representative program is one of the most integral programs the OA provides, but has challenged lodges since its creation. This course will provide new, easy to use resources so lodges can make the program work for them.

General Lodge/Council Tips:

Does your Scout Executive know your name? This session is meant to cover the basics of building a supportive lodge-council relationship which benefits both parties for years to come.

For Professionals Only (Part 1):

This forum is for professional Scouters only! With the new strategic plan, professional Scouters must be keenly aware of the resources and support the OA can provide to the council.  Learn how the new plan applies specifically to professionals.  Highly Recommended with "For Professionals Only (Part 2)."

For Professionals Only (Part 2):

This forum is for professional Scouters only! With the new strategic plan, professional Scouters must be keenly aware of the resources and support the OA can provide to the council.  Learn how the new plan applies specifically to professionals.  Highly Recommended with "For Professionals Only (Part 1)."


Revised 4/08/2007