Leadership Program
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Leadership Training

Be an Active and Honored Brotherhood
Develop Leaders of Character
Promote Outdoor Adventure
Serve and Support Scouting


Develop Leaders of Character: Training

Opportunities to Serve the Council:

This session will introduce the lodge Key 3 to new and exciting ways to serve the council. Learn strategies for selecting the optional requirements on the Quality Lodge Petition, conversations with the Scout Executive, and persuading lodge members to assume leadership roles within the council.

Opportunities to Service the Council (Forum):

A panel of youth and adults, volunteers and professionals, will share ways their lodges serve their councils and how they implemented their revolutionary ideas. Highly recommended with "Opportunities to Serve the Council."

The OA Presence on the Council Executive Board:

Ideally each lodge chief and lodge adviser would be a member of their council's executive board, but why is that so important? Explore the lodge Key 3's role on the council executive board and how to effectively utilize the appointment to the advantage of the council and lodge.

The OA Presence on the Executive Board (Forum):

Lodge Key 3 members, Scout Executives, and presidents from councils with an active OA presence on their executive boards will share ways to achieve this desirable goal. Highly recommended with "The OA Presence on the Council Executive Board."

Why LLD?

Do you need to revive your LLD program so that it is more intentional in building your lodge leadership team? This session will introduce participants to the basics of LLD event planning and management.

How LLD?

Do you already have a quality LLD program within your lodge? Do you want to take it to the next level? This session will show Arrowmen how to enhance the development and design of their training opportunities from trainer selection to small group reflection activities.

Advanced LLD Workshop:

Want to professionalize your LLD weekend? This session will give lodges the tools to make the event a huge success. The session will focus on what it takes to produce a high quality, effective LLD weekend that will cause your participants to leave energized and wanting more.

Opening the Doors of Leadership:

Leadership development is not just for members of the executive committee but for the entire lodge membership. This session will introduce a lodge year-round training model that utilizes existing support features on the LLD website in order to develop the leadership potential of your lodge membership.

Recruiting the Right Adults:

"…Under the guidance of selected capable adults" is the last phrase in the Mission of the Lodge, yet what does the word "capable" imply? This session will examine the desired qualities for the adult membership of our lodges and explore methods of personal adult leadership development through coaching and mentoring.

Revised 4/08/2007