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Leadership Training

Be an Active and Honored Brotherhood
Develop Leaders of Character
Promote Outdoor Adventure
Serve and Support Scouting


Promote Outdoor Adventure: Training

Cub Scouting Outdoor Program:

Learn how to maximize your lodge's membership potential by exploring creative and innovative outdoor programs involving the OA and Cub Scouting.

OA Camp Chief:

Is your lodge doing all it can at summer camp? This session focuses on integrating the OA program and council summer camping program, including discussion of OA campfires, service projects, and Ordeal inductions at summer camp.

OA High Adventure:

Explore the OA's current and future high adventure opportunities in-depth, including ArrowCorps5 in 2008, and how to get your lodge membership to participate in these life-changing opportunities.

Council High Adventure Programs:

Learn more about council-based high adventure programs and how to discover high adventure possibilities in your own "backyard".

Troop Year-Round Program Planning:

Get the latest tips and tools to better develop your unit's annual outdoor program, including the integration of yearly high adventure experiences.


Don't start down the path to outdoor adventure without the proper fuel! This session focuses on the importance of proper nutrition for outdoor programs, including model menus for short and long-term outdoor activities.

Outdoor Ethics:

Explore the importance of living and practicing the highest standard of outdoor ethics. Discuss low-impact and Leave-No-Trace principles and best methods.


A Scout is physically fit! This session will help prepare you to be more physically fit in all your Scouting activities.

Revised 6/28/2007