
The Legacy That Lives

The NOAC Legacy Speaker Series began yesterday with a presentation by the Key Three of the Boy Scouts of America and Eleanor Clark, author of The Legacy of Lord Baden-Powell. The Legacy Series invites distinguished Americans to come and talk about the legacy they have left and to answer questions from interested Arrowmen.  “Our theme is ‘United we leave a legacy,’” says Josh Hone, conference vice chief of special events. “So we want to contextualize it in real people’s lives. And we think the legacies that certain people have been able to lead in their own lives will provide unique insight to any Arrowmen.”

The speakers for today will include distinguished Eagle Scouts in a variety of fields, including an Olympic Gold Medalist. The series will be from 1:00 – 3:00 in the Kellogg Auditorium.

“Our theme is ‘United we leave a legacy.’  So we want to contextualize it in real people’s live. And we think the legacies that certain people have been able to lead in their own lives will provide unique insight to any Arrowmen.”

-    Josh Hone, Conference Vice Chief of Special Events.

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NESA@NOAC show will be fun, loud and entertaining

Celebrating a unique centennial, Tuesday’s show will celebrate 100 years of Eagle Scouts. Ethan Fowler, NESA@NOAC conference vice chief from Cowikee Lodge 224, says tonight’s NESA show will celebrate Eagle Scouts and Scouting. “We all work toward goals in Scouting. The Eagle represents the highest goal.” Ethan says that “Scouting can be the catalyst” for young people who set goals for themselves and which can lead to great achievements later in life.
While all Scouts must complete the same basic requirements to advance to the rank of Eagle, Scouts follow their own path to the top of the mountain on the trail to Eagle. The journey does not end at the top of the mountain. When they reach the top, they are able to see more mountains. Fowler says guests at the show will see that the “Trail to Eagle” is not so much about a Scout receiving his Eagle Award, “but what one can do with the knowledge gained on that journey.” The show will showcase the spirit of the Eagle Scout, featuring speakers who will share their inspirational stories. “Our guests at the NESA@NOAC show will see people who have set goals and accomplished a lot,” he says.
Many Eagles will be attending the NESA Anniversary Dinner on Friday which, Fowler says, will be a prestigious affair. He adds that the NESA@NOAC show will be fun, loud, and entertaining experience for all NOAC 2012 guests. “It’s going to be a great celebration of Eagle Scouts.”

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Scuba Training Session Announcement

If you are scheduled for a morning scuba training session on Wednesday or Thursday, please stop by the NOAC medical office at the Butterfield Building (1st floor) to confirm that your PADI waiver form is on file. Without this form you will unable to participate in the morning scuba training.

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