At the 2007 National Planning Meeting the Order of the Arrow National Committee and the National Event Promotion Committee announced the iPromote program. The program is to reward the excellent promotional efforts by lodges.
The iPromote program will award either an iPhone or Wii to seven Arrowmen.
The first two will be awarded to each of the two lodge chiefs with the largest percentage of Arrowmen in attendance (based on total contingent attendance divided by the total lodge membership). In addition to the lodge chiefs, an Arrowmen from each contingent will be randomly chosen to be the third and fourth recipients. The fifth and sixth will be awarded to each of the two sections chiefs with the largest percentage of Arrowmen in attendance (based on total section attendance divided by the total section membership). The final recipient will be a randomly drawn Arrowman from the largest contingent attending ArrowCorps5 (this contingent will be different than the contingents with the largest percentage).
the iPromote. wePromote. Let's Promote! Flyer (Adobe PDF -
740 KBytes)