NOAC 2009 Live!
Welcome to NOAC Live! 2009

Southern Region Chief - Mark Norris

Mark NorrisMark Norris is a normal guy just like the rest of us. He gets up in the morning and drinks a smoothie and begins his day. Mack Norris is the Southern Region Chief and unfortunately no, he is not related to Chuck Norris. "You just need to get involved in the lodge level" emphasized Norris.

Mark Norris has been in Scouting since he was a bear cub in second grade. After being inducted, Mark served terms as lodge chief, section vice chief, and section chief before being elected as the 2009 Southern Region Chief. Sifting through all his Scouting experiences, the memory that tops the charts for him is of serving on the Instructor Corps in 2008 and visiting all five Arrowcorps5 sites. Mark is excited for the remaining days of NOAC and is looking forward to meeting more Arrowmen.

Revised 8/5/2009