Home Archive for category "Order of the Arrow" (Page 12)

“Faster, higher, more fun” – Wayne Perry, our new national president.

by Monchen Kao Wayne Perry currently serves as the 34th president of the Boy Scouts of America. Only a Scout for a brief time as a youth, Wayne’s first serious involvement in Scouting was as a Cubmaster for his four sons in Bellevue, Washington; his involvement in Scouting continued to grow with his sons. First

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Wednesday Geocache Locations

Wednesday’s Geocache Locations are: N42 deg 43.821min W084 deg 28.994 min N42 deg 43.919 min W084 deg 28.932 min N42 deg 43.853 min W084 deg 28.678 min N42 deg 43.749 min W084 deg 28.625 min Notice: You are looking for ammunition boxes. Good geocachers put the cache back where they found it, and Leave No

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Ed Pease – A “quiet, generous” servant leader

When Ed Pease and the national Order of the Arrow committee set out in 1995 to create the Order of the Arrow High Adventure program (OAHA), they were not sure it would sell. “It was a way to plug a hole in the program,” Ed Pease said. The program was asking older teenage boys to

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