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A Mystical Creature Comes To NOAC

Published on August 2, 2012 by in NOAC, Thursday

Have you ever heard of a Hodag? A Hodag is a mystical creature with the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick short legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end. Well, here at NOAC the Grand Hodag

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African-American Brothers in the Order of the Arrow

Published on August 2, 2012 by in NOAC, Thursday

The bonds of brotherhood through the Order or the Arrow bring to life the human spirit, supporting by Scouting’s idealism. Since the Order’s founding in 1915, election and induction procedures have uniquely entwined the observation of good character and the expectation of future service in ways that enhance individual success and cooperative fellowship. Those that

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Profile of Southern Region Chief David Joyner

Published on August 2, 2012 by in NOAC, Thursday

David Joyner, the 2012 Southern Region Chief, is thrilled to be here at NOAC. “It’s great to see the arrowmen forming new friendships and having a great time, it makes all the hard work worth it.” For Joyner, this fellowship is a crucial part of the NOAC experience. “I know the people I have met

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