Home Archive for category "NOAC" (Page 23)

Visit the OA Center for History and Preservation

Published on July 29, 2012 by in Monday, NOAC

Come and experience OA history as you never have before.  As part of this year’s activities at NOAC, the OA Museum will be back bigger and better and located in one of the only air conditioned venues at NOAC – the MSU Student Union. As part of the Special Events activities, the Center for History

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Johnny Rehm, your friendly short guy

Published on July 29, 2012 by in Monday, NOAC

Fun fact: John Rehm did not plan on running for National Chief until shortly before the National Planning Meeting in December 2011. “I think the defining factor was the big ‘what if’ question. It was my second year as a section chief and I swore I would never run for a third term, so this

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A beginner’s guide to NOAC

Published on July 29, 2012 by in Monday, NOAC

Greetings brothers, and welcome to the 2012 National Order of the Arrow Conference! You are in for a week of fun and excitement that you will never forget. It all begins here, at this very moment. There is so much to do and be excited for! Look forward to the numerous events and activities that

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