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Cheerful Service Opportunity for Arrowmen at NOAC

by Jonathan D. from Tecumseh Lodge 65 This year at NOAC, Arrowmen from across the country had the opportunity to provide cheerful service to an important part of the Lansing area community. A service project was performed at Fenner Nature Center, where Arrowmen worked on an unfinished, overgrown trail. Participants cut new trail while restoring an

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NESA@NOAC: A Show to Remember

by Joe Donahue On August 1, 1912, Arthur Eldred was declared the first Eagle Scout.  In celebration of the 100th Anniversary of this milestone in Scouting’s history, the OA Shows team collaborated with The National Eagle Scout Association to produce “The 100th Anniversary of Eagle Scouts” show on Wednesday. This show featured a panel of

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Let the Goodman Games Begin!

by Alan Randall Leave No Trace (LNT), water conservation, communication, first aid, scout skills, and team building. These things all come together to create a NOAC highlight: the Goodman Games. The games feature competitions that test Scout skills past their common applications. It is also rumored there will be lots of giveaways to reinforce the

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