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Founders Day – PowWow

Another highlight of this years Founder’s Day was American Indian PowWow. Participants gathered in Stevens Auditorum starting at 2:00 PM, and it lasted for two hours. The PowWow gives all dancers, even those who can't be judged in competition, an opportunity to dance. This means the adult men and women who have spent many hours constructing American Indian clothing, have a chance to join with the youth members to celebrate their shared interests. In fact, the PowWow is an opportunity for all Arrowmen to join in the dancing, even those in their uniforms. The dancers ranged from people who have never touched a pair of moccasins, to the finalist in Tuesday’s show. A good time was had by the hundreds who attended.

Women Dancing     Dancing Indians1     Dancing Indians 2     Indian      Indians dancing

Revised 8/05/98.

This page was produced as part of the official 1998 National Order of the Arrow Conference web site, ( by the web team of the NOAC Communications and Public Relations Committee. Send any comments to

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