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OA Jeopardy
National Championship

"You've won the OA Jeopardy National Championship, so what are you going to do now?" asks a reporter. 

"I'm going to my Lodge Conclave!" replies Nick of Nampa-Tsi Lodge #216. 

OA Jeopardy in action

JC, Nick, and Nathan, of Nampa-Tsi Lodge #216 were the members of the National Champion team this year. "We studied the history book and the OA Handbook for months in preparation for this event." stated the team members. "We're really excited."

OA Jeopardy OA Jeopardy is a team-based trivia game in which players answer in the form of a question. The questions could be anything from new member induction, to Vigil Honor selection. The questions were derived primarily from the Order of the Arrow Handbook, and A Brotherhood of Cheerful Service: The History of the Order of the Arrow.
Participants first competed in the Preliminary round, then moved to Regional Finals, and the best teams participated in the National Championship game. Audience

Revised 08/02/00.

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