Conference Champions
Set on conquering every part of the National Order of the Arrow Conference? Prove it by becoming a CONFERENCE CHAMPION. As a CONFERENCE CHAMPION, you’ll receive exclusive recognition – including free swag! Looking for more of a challenge? Accomplish the REGION CHIEF CHALLENGE set forth by our 2015 region chiefs to earn an additional, limited-edition prize.
Conference Champion
Instructions: Use your Spark token to complete each of the requirements listed below. Track your progress on the Spark Portal. Once you’ve earned the Conference Champion Patch on Spark, show it to your contingent leader to receive a special prize! Open to youth and adult guests.
1. Participate in the Conference Orientation on Monday
2. Visit the Goodman Edson Observatory (GEO)
3. Meet at least one Centurion Award recipient and find out about their legacy of service
4. Learn more about lodges around the country at the Lodge Legacy Displays in The Hub
5. Attend training on each day training is offered, including the keynote sessions. Check in at each session, including the Innovation Engine
6. Do one of the following:
a. Submit an article to the Arrowmen Press Corps (APC)
b. Participate in a Social Media Guerrilla Event
7. Find your sense of adventure at The Experience in The Hub
8. Contribute to a reflection discussion during a lodge contingent meeting
9. Uphold the values of the Scout Oath, Scout Law, and Obligation of the Order of the Arrow, and observe the NOAC Code of Conduct
Region Chief Challenge
Instructions: Use your Spark token to complete each of the requirements listed below. Track your progress on the Spark Portal. Once you’ve completed the Region Chief Challenge, head over to the region booths in The Hub to receive a special prize! Open to youth guests.
1. Become a Conference Champion
2. Attend three NOAC shows
3. Do one of the following:
a. Attend the Night of Champions on Thursday, August 6
b. Attend the National Inductions Leadership Forum on Thursday, August 6
4. Do one of the following:
a. Attend the Conference-wide Service Project on Friday, August 7
b. Participate in OA Warrior
5. Trade your Spark cap with another Arrowman and collect a cap from your own region
6. Meet at least three Eagle Scouts and find out about their trail to Eagle
7. Visit the Centennial Fire and spark the flame of our second century