
Section Leaders Gather in Fellowship

Section Leaders Discuss Issues Impacting the OALast night at the Kellogg Center, the leadership of our nation's sections met for food, fellowship, and recognitions. Each section received five invitations for the event:  one for each officer, the section adviser(s), and/or the staff adviser.  The attendees received National Council of Chief's information packets and Order of the Arrow bottle cap openers.

Brotherhood Band entertains the dinner attendeesFollowing admittance to the dinner, section leadership gathered in an open space for fellowship and were entertained by the Brotherhood Band. After the meal, attendees were led in the Obligation by National Vice Chief Chris Schildknecht, who welcomed them. National Chief Sean Murray congratulated all present for the success of the 100% NOAC plan, the plan so named to have 100% of the Order's lodges represented at NOAC.  Section chiefs were recognized with a commemorative patch set and a personalized note which said "Thanks for 100%" that was signed by the national officers.

National Order of the Arrow Committee Chairman Brad Haddock relayed statistics which emphasized the importance of the section leaders' work. He noted how the section leader jobs have been made much more active over the past 15 years.  Mr. Haddock talked specifically about the quality lodge program and pointed out its tremendous impact on perpetuating the vision of the Order of the Arrow.  Finally, he recognized section officers as the critical link in communication with national and regional committees. In a constant effort to improve our lodges, Mr. Haddock challenged the audience to seek him out to explain why many lodges are not attaining the Quality Lodge Award. Concluding, National Chief Sean Murray addressed the group reiterating the importance of active sections to our national program's future.

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