[an error occurred while processing this directive] NOAC 2004 - Craft Extravaganza [an error occurred while processing this directive]

American Indian Activities Craft Extravaganza

MoccasinsSetting the stage, and kicking off the American Indian Activities (AIA) at this year's NOAC, was a craft extravaganza featuring the talents of many Arrowmen from across the nation. Staged around the dance ring; each participating Arrowman displayed their fruits of their crafting talents with items ranging from bustles, to moccasins, and dance clothing.

The intricacy of each item was absolutely amazing, and the fact that each item was made by hand was even more impressive. The use of color, texture, and downright craftsmanship provided an entertaining sight for all in attendance. Each item was judged for those very qualities. Categories for entries were: beadwork, quill work, bustles, headdresses and other. Awards were given in each category and a "Best of Show" recognition was also given out. Though each participant was presented a ribbon, the awards weren't what many would expect from a competition. The recognition prizes were crafting materials, intended to allow the recipient to continue their craft.

For Arrowmen wanting to learn more about a craft, a number of craft workshops have been scheduled throughout the conference. In fact the craft workshops are designed to compliment the training sessions also to be held.

ArrowheadsFor those not able to attend one of the scheduled craft workshops; never fear, Founders' Day at NOAC will feature a craft zone. In the craft zone, participants will have one last chance to learn about the American Indian crafst. So, regardless if a participant is a seasoned veteran, or a newcomer to the art, the AIA Committee has provided lots of opportunities to learn about, and practice the arts of American Indian crafts.



Revised 8/1/2004

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