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National Events
NOAC 2004

Patch (Euchre) Tournament

The Patch Tournament is actually a Euchre Tournament with a slight catch. To make things more interesting participants will need to bring patches in order to participate in the tournament. Youth need one patch to play and adults need three patches to play in this winner take all single elimination card game tournament. You may sign up with a partner. However, if you would like to participate and do not have a partner available one will be provided upon arrival. Individuals not wanting to risk patches can play for fun during this time as well, but do not need to sign up in advance. Be sure to check in at the Activities and Recreation Booth upon arrival to receive more detailed information about the tourney.

The Tournament will take place:

  • Monday 6:00-7:30 PM

Individuals need to pre-register for this event online at the NOAC event registration web site.




[ARC Committee Info]

Revised 05/24/04.