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Service Lodge

[Nischa Chuppecat lodge flap]

Key Youth Members and Assignments
Key Adult Advisers and Assignments
What Makes the Service Lodge So Special

Key Youth Members and Assignments:

Nathan Mundy - Lodge Chief
Eric Farmer - NOAC Service Lodge Administration Chair
Jonas Schrodt - NOAC Service Lodge Operations Chair

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Key Adult Advisers and Assignments:

Sara Seaborne - Lodge Adviser
Randy Brown - Lodge Staff Adviser
Doug Seaborne - NOAC Service Lodge Administration Adviser
Tony Barringer - NOAC Service Lodge Operations Adviser

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What Makes the Service Lodge So Special:

Nischa Chuppecat Lodge has had experience with being the NOAC Service Lodge twice before, in 1990 and 1996. Though the task at times can be trying, it is a lot of fun for all members who participate. It helps strengthen the lodge as everyone is working together for a common cause. It has, in the past, motivated youth members to run for a lodge office and become more involved in the workings of the lodge. Being a member of the Service Lodge is a great way to be a part of everything that is going on at NOAC.

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Revised 03/20/02

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