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Founder's Day
Ice Cream and Dutch Oven Cook-off

Off in a corner of the Founder's Day field sits a small group of people. These people have gotten together to do a simple thing - cook. The participants in the cook-off have put together their best recipes for this competition, and have brought them here to NOAC to be tasted and judged.

Arrowmen working on their dutch oven meal
Arrowmen rolling a can to make ice cream

The Arrowmen making homemade ice cream seem to have a lot of work to do, but also seem to be having quite a bit of fun. Sealed inside of a container, surrounded by ice and protected inside a coffee can, the ice cream is mixed and frozen by the back and forth rolling of the coffee can.

The second competition in the cookoff is a dutch oven meal. From fajitas to chili, just about anything you can make in a dutch oven would work. These meals can be simple, or they can be complex, but as long as they taste good, they have a chance at winning.

Arrowmen working on their dutch oven meal

Revised 7/31/02.

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