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National Council of Chiefs

The 2002 National Council of Chiefs

Meeting in the Willkie Auditorium, the National Council of Chiefs has convened at NOAC 2002. The Key 3 from each lodge, as well as National Comittee Members, Regional and Sectional leaders have got together to discuss the programs of the Order of the Arrow.

When asked what the NCOC is all about, Jeremy, Lodge Chief of Tiwahe Lodge 45, replied that it is "having your Key 3 sit down and fully understand Lodge development, and Lodge planning as a whole to prevent misinterpretations and misunderstandings about how the Lodge is run. It is also to understand the OA Strategic Plan and how to implement it in the Lodge."

NCOC participants during a break
NCOC discussing the PhilBreak program

The NCOC is also discussing future programs, training, service, and strategies, such as the future "Leadership in Service" program, the 2003 Indian Summer, and the special 2003 PhilBreak program for Spring Break 2003.

During each topic, the floor is opened to allow for questions from your Lodge leadership. Most questions involved quotas for future events, facility locations for future events, how often future events will repeat, and when additional information for events would be released.


Revised 7/30/02.

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