Welcome from National Officers
Fellow Arrowmen, It is our pleasure to welcome you to Indiana University and the 2002 National Order of the Arrow Conference. This past December, the nation's forty-seven section chiefs and key support staff came together to plan for a conference that will be an experience of a lifetime. These same youth have gathered now to present five days of incredible program. You have the chance to experience all this conference has to offer. We encourage you to take advantage of the wide variety of exciting training sessions and workshops offered, take part in competitions, participate in activities, and attend awesome shows. Challenge yourself to try things you've never done before. If you test yourself this week, we promise you'll discover things you've not yet imagined. Our Order is composed of Scouting's finest, and this conference will showcase the OA's brightest: you! Whether this is your first Conference or your twentieth, learn and share all you can, allow the spirit to sweep you up. Meet new people, make new friends, and build memories impossible to forget. We certainly will. In Brotherhood, Clay Capp                     Riley Berg Revised 7/26/02. |