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Ceremonies Results

The Induction and Ceremonial Events Committee is pleased to announce the following lodges qualifying as a Honor Lodge in the 2000 NOAC ceremony competition..

Congratulations to all! 

Lodge Name Lodge Number Ceremony
Wah-Sha-She 42Brotherhood
Mikahakawa 101 Brotherhood
Occoneechee 104 Brotherhood
Egwa Tawa Dee 129Brotherhood
Ta Tsu Hwa 138Brotherhood
Ta Tsu Hwa 138Brotherhood
Ku-Ni_Eh 145 Brotherhood
Sequoyah 184Brotherhood
O-Shot-Caw 265 Brotherhood
Ini-To 324 Brotherhood
Huaco 327Brotherhood
Timuquan 340Brotherhood
Ahoalah-Nachpikin 558Brotherhood
Wah-Sha-She 42Ordeal
Ta Tsu Hwa 138 Ordeal
Tu Tsu Hwa 138 Ordeal
Sequoyah 184Ordeal
Wah-Sha-She 42 pre-Ordeal
Cherokee 50pre-Ordeal
Seminole 85pre-Ordeal
Manitous 88 pre-Ordeal
Manitous 88pre-Ordeal
Occoneechee 104pre-Ordeal
Egwa Tawa Dee 129 pre-Ordeal
Egwa Tawa Dee 129pre-Ordeal
Egwa Tawa Dee 129 pre-Ordeal
Egwa Tawa Dee 129 pre-Ordeal
Egwa Tawa Dee 129pre-Ordeal
Ma-Nu 133pre-Ordeal
Colonneh 137pre-Ordeal
Tu Tsu Hwa 138pre-Ordeal
Ta Tsu Hwa 138 pre-Ordeal
Ku-Ni-Eh 145pre-Ordeal
Tichora 146 pre-Ordeal
Tamegonit 147pre-Ordeal
Sequoyah 184 pre-Ordeal
Sequoyah 184 pre-Ordeal
Wisawanik 190pre-Ordeal
Cowikee 224 pre-Ordeal
Pellissippi 230 pre-Ordeal
Aal-Pa-Tah 237 pre-Ordeal
O-Shot-Caw 265 pre-Ordeal
O-Shot-Caw 265 pre-Ordeal
Wewanoma 272 pre-Ordeal
Owaneco 313 pre-Ordeal
Tipisa 326pre-Ordeal
Huaco 327 pre-Ordeal
Huaco 327pre-Ordeal
Huaco 327pre-Ordeal
Timuquan 340pre-Ordeal
Tahosa 383 pre-Ordeal
Yustaga 385 pre-Ordeal
Hilohchyala 413 pre-Ordeal
Wauna La-Mon'tay 442 pre-Ordeal
Mitigwa 450 pre-Ordeal
Amangamek Wipit 470 pre-Ordeal
Amangamek Wipit 470 pre-Ordeal
Amangamek Wipit 470 pre-Ordeal
Nischa Achowalogen 486 pre-Ordeal
Esau Huppeday 560 pre-Ordeal
Malibu 566pre-Ordeal
Unami 1Vigil
Wah-Sha-She 42Vigil
Shawnee 51Vigil
Ta Tsu Hwa 138 Vigil
Ku-Ni-Eh 145 Vigil
Naneposhemet 158 Vigil
Sequoyah 184 Vigil
Sequoyah 184 Vigil
Sequoyah 184 Vigil
Ah-Ska 213 Vigil
Ah-Ska 213 Vigil
Cowikee 224 Vigil
Aal-Pa-Tah 237 Vigil
Aal-Pa-Tah 237 Vigil
Tsisgan 253 Vigil
O-Shot-Caw 265 Vigil
Topa Topa 291 Vigil
Karankawa 307 Vigil
Owaneco 313 Vigil
Tipisa 326 Vigil
Tipisa 326 Vigil
Huaco 327 Vigil
Timuquan 340 Vigil
Timuquan 340 Vigil
Mitigwa 450 Vigil
Thal-Coo-Zyo 457 Vigil
Amangamek Wipit 470 Vigil
Ta Tanka 488 Vigil
Malibu 566 Vigil

Revised 08/8/00.

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