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Man on the Street, Monday

What is the one thing that you would like to see here at Indian Summer 2003?

Mario D.

Mario D., 15, of Chilantakoba Lodge,
New Orleans, Louisiana

“I want tons o; junk food!"


Eric J., 15, of Wahunsenakah Lodge,  Gloucester, Virginia
“I want air conditioning, I mean honestly, I feel like a turkey ready to be basted.”

Eric J.

Will H.

Will H., 13, of Ku-Ni-Eh Lodge,
Cincinnati, Ohio

“It would be really cool if everybody did the chicken dance in dance team costumes.”


Noam W., 16, of Blue Ox Lodge,
Oronoco, Minnesota

“I would like there to be more Indian music and song.".

Noam W.





Revised 08/04/2003.

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