Ricky Angeletti – crew chief
Ricky is a Vigil Honor member of Marnoc Lodge, who has most notably served as the 2014 Central Region chief. This OA High Adventure Triple Crown recipient is looking forward to exposing people to what the Order of the Arrow has really accomplished for the last 100 years. Additionally, he is stoked to see and hear Scouting stories from across the Central Region! His favorite Scouting memory is from his time at OA Canadian Odyssey, where he had to opportunity to canoe in the Quetico.
Alex Derr – road crew member
Alex Derr is a former section chief of Section C-1B and a Vigil Honor member of Awase Lodge. This enthusiastic Arrowman is excited for the chance to see how other camps run their OA programs and to share best practices about call outs, ceremonies, fellowship and service across the region! Alex's all-time favorite Scouting memory is his first time attending summer camp.
Logan Greene – road crew member
Logan is the former section chief of Section C-6A, and a Vigil Honor member of Nischa Chuppecat Lodge. Logan believes ArrowTour is an opportunity where the OA can bring our national centennial experience to Scouts, Scouters, and non-Scouters around the nation to help support the ideals and traditions that have been laid out the past 100 years, as well as lay a foundation for the next 100 years. He's excited to have fun with his brothers from all over the Central Region! His favorite Scouting memory is keeping his Vigil back in 2012.
Matthew Koch – road crew member
Matthew is a Vigil Honor member of Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Lodge and an Eagle Scout from Troop 42 in Lake Bluff, IL. This newly elected section officer is most excited about sharing the opportunities and experiences the OA has to offer with Scouts around the Midwest. His favorite Scouting memory was summiting the breathtaking Mt. Baldy at Philmont Scout Ranch!
Nick Dannemiller – road crew member
Nick is a Vigil Honor member of Wauna La-Mon’tay Lodge and has most notably served as the 2014 National Chief. He is excited to help individuals connect with the Order of the Arrow during its centennial and show them how they can shape its second century. Nick is also looking forward to exploring the great midwest because he is originally from Portland, OR! One of Nick’s favorite Scouting memories was helping to serve the 2013 National Scout Jamboree through the OA Trek Guides program.