Lodge chiefs, advisers to gather during NOAC

Amidst all the exciting activities, shows and competitions, one unique opportunity that the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference will provide is a platform for the Order’s lodge leadership to come together and discuss the strategic direction of the organization, as we move into our next century. To better facilitate conversation, this platform will be split between two signature events: the National Council of Chiefs and the National Lodge Adviser Gathering.

The National Council of Chiefs (NCOC) is for lodge chiefs and their designee exclusively. The program will be centered on innovation in annual lodge programs and operations as well as provide an overview of the Order’s current strategic plan. Highlights of the NCOC include a special presentation from the BSA’s National Key 3, breakouts focused on lodge best practices and an opportunity to provide youth feedback on the Order’s next strategic plan. Those who attend this event will be able to meet fellow chiefs from across the country and around the world; they will also be able to meet the 2015 National Officers. Overall, the NCOC will be an awesome event and attendance should be a top priority for any lodge chief coming to conference!

Similar to the NCOC, the National Lodge Adviser Gathering (or NLAG) is specifically for lodge advisers and either the lodge staff adviser or associate lodge adviser. The program will focus on prevalent burning issues at the local level, in addition to operational updates.

Highlights of the NLAG include a unique Q&A with the national chairman, lodge best practice spotlight, and the opportunity to provide feedback to the National Order of the Arrow Committee on the Order’s next strategic plan.

Whether you are a brand new lodge adviser or have been serving for more than half a decade, this event is something you do not want to miss!

Lodge contingent leaders will be able to register youth and adults for their respective event through the conference registration system.

Last revised on May 15, 2015