Induction and Ceremonial Events

Contingent Leaders, Ceremonialists, and Lodge Advisers.

Dear Arrowmen,
After deliberating, my team and I have decided In order to allow the possibility for more lodges to participate in the Pre-Ordeal Ceremony Competition, we will be extending the deadline for video submissions from today, May 1st, until May 31st.

If you have yet to submit a video, this means that you have just under a month to prepare your team and record and upload a video. I believe I speak for everyone when I say that we are all thoroughly excited to receive and review your submissions. Attached here with this letter you will find an updated version of the competitions rules and guidelines. Included there is everything you need to know about the competitions.

If your Lodge does not wish to compete there are also other opportunities for your Lodge’s ceremony team at NOAC. We offer ceremony evaluations with experienced evaluators from across the country. While the ceremony evaluations are not a competition, teams deemed to exceed the standard will be recognized with Honor Medal status. Another opportunity for ceremonialists is the individual coaching sessions, where individual or small groups of Arrowmen can workshop parts of a ceremony with a coach.

I’ll see you all in Michigan!

Yours in Service,
Keith Roscoe

Last revised on May 4, 2015